Frequently Asked Questions

Book Printing (7)

Are you the printer?
How much will shipping be?
What if I get my books and something is wrong with them?
Will my physical proof be exactly like my finished book?
What other fees might I run into?
What is the difference between CMYK and RGB?
Are shipping and tax included in the print quote?

Book Editing (3)

What is included in a Basic Copyedit?
What is included in a Comprehensive Edit?
How long will editing take?

Book Marketing (4)

What types of marketing services work best for nonfiction?
What types of marketing services work best for fiction?
Does social media marketing really work for books?
Can I pitch my own books to traditional publications?

Book Design (4)

Do I own the source/production files of a book once they are created?
What do I need to do to my file prior to submitting it to
Are there any hidden formatting fees?
What is the cost for interior image placement?


Will my ebook look exactly like my print book?
How long will it take to format my ebook?
Why can’t I just use a PDF?
Do I need to preformat my book before I send it?
What is "rush formatting"?
What are MOBI and EPUB?
Can you work with a scanned document?